The 40th Annual Meeting of ESHRE took place from 8th to 10th July 2024 in Amsterdam, and it set a new record for abstract submissions with 2,218 entries. The vast amount of information at the ESHRE meeting can sometimes be overwhelming, which led to the creation of the REPROFACTS initiative in 2011. Through the REPROFACTS network of experts, highlights from the ESHRE annual meeting are selected from all relevant subspecialties and reviewed for their importance and validity.

The German-speaking REPROFACTS Frankfurt faculty selected the studies presented in the REPROFACTS 2024 report, while the international REPROFACTS EXPERT network provided comments, putting study findings into perspective and extracting key „practice points”. Key studies and topics were chosen for their novelty, robustness, and relevance, and are presented independently and neutrally. The report was supported by Merck KGaA.

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